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WebTrac Activity Search

Search ResultsShowing results 1-15 of 15

Beginner Yoga

Beginner Yoga - 170407

This class is designed as an introduction to the practice of yoga. If you have never practiced yoga before or if it has been a while and you are ready to dust off your mat, this class is designed just for you!
We have mats you can borrow for class!
Instructor: Stacey Sadowsky
6 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Cost Column #9 Availability Column #11
Unavailable 170407-K Beginners Yoga 09/10/2024 -09/17/2024 10:30 am -11:30 am Tu Memorial Hall $20.00/$20.00 Item Details Full
Add To Selection List 170407-L Beginners Yoga 09/12/2024 -09/19/2024 9:30 am -10:30 am Th $20.00/$20.00 Item Details Available
Add To Selection List 170407-Q Beginners Yoga 10/22/2024 -11/19/2024 10:30 am -11:30 am Tu Memorial Hall $40.00/$40.00 Item Details Available
Add To Selection List 170407-R Beginners Yoga 11/26/2024 -12/17/2024 10:30 am -11:30 am Tu Memorial Hall $40.00/$40.00 Item Details Available
Add To Selection List 170407-S Beginners Yoga 10/10/2024 -11/14/2024 9:30 am -10:30 am Th $60.00/$60.00 Item Details Available
Add To Selection List 170407-T Beginners Yoga 11/21/2024 -12/19/2024 9:30 am -10:30 am Th $40.00/$40.00 Item Details Available
Soccer Coaches

Soccer Coaches - 460116

This six-week recreation soccer league is for boys and girls entering Kindergarten through 6th grade for the 2024-2025 school year. Practices begin in late August/early September. Game times are between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm on Saturdays and will be held at the Tree Farm Recreational Facility located off Old Colchester Road in Essex. Games start on Saturday, September 7th and the program will end with a Jamboree on Saturday, October 12th. This league is run by volunteers; parental involvement is essential to the success of this program!

Fall Soccer Coach FAQ:

-Do I need experience to coach in this league?
No. This is a recreational league that emphasizes fun through soccer. The league will offer training programs and provide suggested practice plans for all coaches.

-What is the time commitment?
Kindergarten teams require a coaching commitment of one hour every Saturday for the duration of the 6-week program. All other teams will meet once a week for practice as well as have games on Saturdays for the duration of the 6-week program.

Suggested practice schedules:
-1st Grade (Co-Ed) - Monday or Wednesday (Suggested) Practice Nights
- 2nd Grade (Co-Ed) - Tuesday or Thursday (Suggested) Practice Nights
-3rd & 4th Grade Boys - Tuesday or Thursday (Suggested) Practice Nights
-3rd & 4th Grade Girls - Monday or Wednesday (Suggested) Practice Nights
-5th & 6th Grade Boys - Monday or Wednesday (Suggested) Practice Nights
-5th & 6th Grade Girls - Tuesday or Thursday (Suggested) Practice Nights

-Will I receive any help if I need it?
ABSOLUTELY! If you have any questions or need more practice suggestions, please feel free to call or email our staff (878-1342, [email protected]).

-What if I don’t have a lot of soccer knowledge?
For the younger kids (K-2) you don’t need to have any specific knowledge. It is more important that you create a fun, safe, and energetic environment for the kids to play soccer. Prior coaching experience for any sport is helpful, but not necessary.

For the older kids (3-6) you should have a general knowledge of the rules. This is a recreational league and is not meant to be competitive. The most important thing is that everyone has fun!
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Cost Column #9 Availability Column #11
Add To Selection List 460116-A Soccer Coaches 09/07/2024 -10/12/2024 9:00 am - 1:00 pm M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa Tree Farm $0.00/$0.00 Item Details Available
Exercise Drumming

Exercise Drumming - 520100

Improve coordination, balance, memory, and concentration all while safely increasing your heart rate and enjoying some great tunes! This is a low impact class that is perfect for all ability levels. Seated or standing, this activity can be modified to meet your needs. No experience necessary.
Instructor: Stacey Sadowsky
3 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Cost Column #9 Availability Column #11
Add To Selection List 520100-D Exercise Drumming 09/05/2024 -09/19/2024 11:00 am -11:45 am Th Essex Police Department $13.00/$13.00 Item Details Available
Add To Selection List 520100-E Exercise Drumming 10/03/2024 -10/24/2024 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm Th Essex Police Department $16.00/$16.00 Item Details Available
Add To Selection List 520100-F Exercise Drumming 10/31/2024 -11/14/2024 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm Th Essex Police Department $13.00/$13.00 Item Details Available
Seated Yoga

Seated Yoga - 570400

Chair yoga is a practice that is beneficial to all. In these classes you will use the support of the chair to assist you with simple poses, movements, breathing & ultimately feeling good! Benefits of chair yoga include increased mobility, increase strength, stretch the body, reduce stress, reduce pain & clear the mind. This is a low to no impact class. No experience necessary.
Instructor: Stacey Sadowsky
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Cost Column #9 Availability Column #11
Unavailable 570400-H Seated Yoga 07/16/2024 -08/20/2024 9:30 am -10:00 am Tu $15.00/$15.00 Item Details Unavailable
FUNdamental Fitness

FUNdamental Fitness - 580407

This class will focus on how to get our bodies moving to stay healthy and strong performing basic exercises using all of our muscle groups. The class will consist of warm up stretches, weight exercises to build muscles (using either bands or weights), and some cardio to get our heart muscle strong all in a fun, supportive environment. Exercises can be done either seated or standing. We will all move at our own pace. This class is good for anyone looking to get moving and learn the basic exercises to jump start their fitness journey. All equipment will be provided. No experience necessary.
Instructor: Stacey Sadowsky
3 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Cost Column #9 Availability Column #11
Add To Selection List 580407-A FUNdamental Fitness 10/07/2024 -10/21/2024 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm M $30.00/$30.00 Item Details Available
Add To Selection List 580407-B FUNdamental Fitness 11/04/2024 -11/18/2024 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm M $30.00/$30.00 Item Details Available
Add To Selection List 580407-C FUNdamental Fitness 12/09/2024 -12/23/2024 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm M $30.00/$30.00 Item Details Available
Advanced Beginner French

Advanced Beginner French - 590303

Designed for students who have already learned the introductory basics, this full-immersion class will improve your listening skills and increase your confidence in speaking. This fall, we will focus on speaking in the basic present, past and future tenses. The Contacts 8th or 9th edition textbook (provided) provides the structure and foundation for communication in real-world contexts. We will jump ahead to Lessons 14 & 15 to acquire the past tense, but also cover most of the material in 10-13: the family, clothing and types of housing, in addition to new idioms and regular -IR and -RE verbs. Have fun with your classmates practicing pronunciation, role-playing and learning about the cultures of the French-speaking world!
Contact Marc w/ any questions via [email protected]

Instructor: Marc Juneau
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Cost Column #9 Availability Column #11
Add To Selection List 590303-A Advanced Beginner French 10/08/2024 -11/26/2024 10:30 am -12:00 pm Tu $155.00/$155.00 Item Details Available